11 October 2004

Linux Discoveries

I just discovered two wonderful Linux programs which rival any of similar ones available for Windows(but are not free...hehe).


Kile is a TeX/LaTeX editor with an easy to use GUI. Kile also has other fantastic features like auto completion of latex commands, project manager, easy insertion of citations and bibliography manager, etc. If you are using similar program in Windows, Kile is another reason for you to shift to Linux.

You are afraid that on Linux you will have to burn your CDs using age-old command-line terminal? Here is the solution for you:K3b. K3b is a CD and DVD burning software optimized for KDE. Its GUI can challenge any other commercial programs available (for windows) in the market. You can easily copy a CD, make audio CDs, and even write your own DVD with it(DVD authoring tools are different from K3b). Although I was happy using the commandline for my CD/DVD burning needs, but K3b discovery has given me another good reason to explain to my friends the benefits of shifting to Linux. Check out the list of features K3b has to offer.

Gone are the days when people used to say that one won't be able to adapt to Linux after being a M$ Windows user. There are so many programs available in Linux ranging from Kids education to C++ programming, 3D imaging, and professional quality image editing softwares. And the best thing is:Its free!!. I'm sure if you grab one of the Linux distros from DistorWatch and try it, you will be surprised how easy it is to work in Linux.

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